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Here are some ideas for school psychologists to become involved in the development of ESSA and to have a voice in Vermont Education.  Amy Fowler shared these links with us at our annual Spring conference at Castleton College.  We must get involved to have a voice! :

1.      MTSS Connection- Tracy Watterson is the lead for this team.  Resources are located here:

2.      ESSA Plan

3.    Subscribe to Weekly Field Memo (WFM): Subscribe Online: The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The Agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

4.    Follow up materials related to Stacy’s presentation

a.    Building on stakeholder Engagement:Public Input (Presentation)

b.    Foster Youth Information: - AOE has worked with our partners at AHS and this is well developed and already underway.  Alicia Hanrahan is the best contact at the AOE for state placed students.

c.     Vermont Discipline Report: -you can review the rate of exclusionary discipline, disproportional effects for particular groups, and the types of exclusions. Tracy Watterson is also leading this work.

d.    Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results- -please note that AHS follows different ways of reporting than AOE- any questions about this reporting should be directed to AHS who compiles this data.  Sorry, I can’t help with this.

e.    Governor’s Boards and Commissions: 

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